Monday, December 14, 2009

A New Leaf

Alright, so the last post was a bit of a downer..

I visited the nutritionist on the 9th of December, and told her about the troubles I was having with eating and vomiting. She pretty much called me crazy when she found out I'd been living off of cheese and crackers. She said that if it continued, to call the surgeons office about having a scope due to a possible stricture. I had suspected a stricture for quite some time, but didn't know if it was bad enough to really be considered. I thought I was just "rushing" things.. Pffffft.

I called the surgeons office the next morning (Thursday), and got an appointment for a scope the next day. Holy fast much?
So I started fasting as of midnight, and had to be at the Humber River Regional Hospital Church site at 1:30 the next day.

So we show up, check in, and almost immediately all the fire alarms start going off. Fucking wonderful. I ain't leaving now. We sit pretty for a while reading mags and chatting, and eventually I get called through to the day surgery room. There's people in robes and in beds everywhere- I felt slightly awkward just standing there looking at them all. I get ushered away to put a gown overtop of my clothes (WOOH! No embarassing open back..) and walk right into the procedure room.
I hop up on the table, and they start searching for veins for an IV. I oh-so-cockily announce "I have good veins, I never have problems with IV's!".. Famous last words, I tell you. Next time I'll shut up. They try me once in each hand, and finally settle on the inside of my elbow before it actually works. Not fun.
Next I bit down on a plastic spacer type thing, and in went the propophol. The doctor tells me that if you think about something great, you'll have a great dream, so I started chanting "Christmas, christmas, christmas" in my head before passing out.. I wake up with a nurse saying "Damn I forgot to get you a drool pad", not glamourous.
Basically I woke up feeling drunk, and had no pain at all in my esophogus or stomach..

Dr.Huynh came over and let me know I had "quite a tight stricture" at the base of my stomach, meaning I could get the food in but it couldn't go down, thus the vomiting. He also said I had "visual evidence" of heartburn, and provided a kicker of a heartburn med.

Two days after the dilatation I was eating things I daren't eat at all before. Fruit, ham, shrimp, chicken. You have no idea how much your life can improve when you stop throwing up and can actually eat again. Wooh! I feel like a whole new girl, and hopefully this is the start of a decent life after WLS. For a while there I thought I had made a ridiculous decision.

My weight isn't much different then last time, but I'm okay with that

Weight today- 246.3

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